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Getting Started with Mendeley and More

Getting Started with Mendeley and More In-Person

Want to learn how to manage your references, citations, and bibliographic information for your thesis and/or research?


Mendeley is a free service available to AFIT students and faculty that allows users to collect, organize and format citations for their research or thesis. The service is web-based and may be accessed on or off campus. This hour-long session will introduce users to Mendeley and provide hands-on demonstrations on gathering citations, organizing them and inserting them into a thesis or research paper.


To sign up for a class use the form below.  You can also send a request through the library reference staff email reference@afit.edu.

All classes will be held on Teams at this time.  The Teams link will be sent to registered attendees.

Thursday, April 22, 2021
11:00am - 12:00pm
Time Zone:
Eastern Time - US & Canada (change)
D'Azzo Research Library - WPAFB Area B, B642
Registration has closed.

Event Organizer

Profile photo of Renate Lester
Renate Lester

ENP, ENY, CE, and LS

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